Investor FAQs
Where is Leju headquartered?
Leju's headquarters is located at Level G, Building G, No.8 Dongfeng South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016, China.
What is Leju's ticker symbol?
Leju's ticker symbol is "LEJU".
Which stock exchange is Leju listed on?
Leju is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
What was the date of Leju's initial public offering (IPO)?
April 17, 2014.
When does Leju's fiscal year end?
Leju's fiscal year ends on December 31.
How many ordinary shares of Leju are equal to one American depositary share (ADS)?
Each ADS represents one Leju ordinary share.
Who is Leju's independent accountant?
Yu Certified Public Accountant, P.C.
Who is the depository bank for Leju's American depositary shares (ADSs)?
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Who is Leju's transfer agent?
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
How do I contact Leju Investor Relations?
Please visit our IR Contacts page.
How can I obtain additional information regarding the company?
Please use the Information Request page on our Investor Relations website to submit any questions you may have.